One of the life cycles we have planned for the year are mealworms—-or rather, darkling beetles. I had to order them before I knew that we would have so much fun with our plant life cycle study that I would need to extend that. So of course they arrived right on time.
That’s okay, because we are also now the owners of 3 Leopard Geckos and guess what they eat? That’s right, mealworms (in addition to crickets) ! So I’ll just keep our little mealworm bucket going in my closet until I can focus on the study and we’ll have an opportunity to really observe a food chain in addition to the metamorphosis of a Darkling Beetle.]
You can visit my Squidoo Lense to see our Mealworm/Darkling Beetle study in advance, or just stay tuned for blog posts about our study.