This past week we went on the ultimate field trip to Austin, Texas.
The kids really enjoy traveling and for some reason have really fixated on Texas.
Is it because everything truly is bigger in Texas?
I have no idea what sparked the initial fascination.
All I know is that Bear, my son who won’t go upstairs by himself, is moving to Texas when he grows up!
We stayed at the Barton Creek Resort & Spa. The hotel was a good choice for children in that it had a lot of amenities on property. The children especially enjoyed the mini put-put golf, giant chess set, and Indian teepee.
I should have really made note of the ‘spa’ part of the hotel name.
Sadly, no spa treatments for Teacher Mommy but then Daddy would like me to point out no golf for him either.
We are beginning work on our 50 States Notebook.
Check-out Jimmie’s 50 States Squidoo lense if you are interested in doing one yourself.
She did some great research and you’ll save yourself precious time.
To create our notebook pages we are using Jimmie’s State Notebook page and also Notebooking Pages State Study which is impressive and on sale at the time of this post!
This year we plan on completing Florida and Texas.
My plan is that we will visit all of the states that we enter into our notebooks; but I realize in this economy, that this is most likely not going to be feasible. Still, it’s a plan.

Cool! I’m so glad my resources have helped you! Please post pics later. I’d love to see what you do with it!