The best thing you can do for your homeschool is to stay educated and current. There are so many wonderful resources today for homeschoolers that we not only have a great selection, but a lot to be thankful for. I personally subscribe to each publication I list below. I encourage you to subscribe to your favorites whenever possible so that these resources will continue to be available. If you are unable to subscribe perhaps you can encourage your local library or homeschool support group to. You can also stretch your homeschool dollar by sharing a subscription with a friend.
My favorite homeschooling magazines:
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Homeschooling Today
Homeschool Enrichment magazine
Practical Homeschooling
Home Education Magazine
My favorite online Homeschool Magazine/Blogs
Heart of the Matter
Homeschool Classroom
The Homeschool Post
My Favorite Periodicals
Library Sparks (request free sample issue)
The Mailbox
Family Fun
My Favorite Periodicals for Children:
Your Big Backyard
National Geographic Explorer
National Geographic Little Kids
Baby Bug
Lady Bug
Clubhouse Jr.
Humpty Dumpty
My favorite homeschool websites:
The homeschool Lounge
My top five favorite homeschooling blogs:
1 plus 1 equals 1
Homeschooling Fun
One Child Policy Homeschool
No time for Flashcards
At Home Science
Favorite Educational TV Programs with websites:
Between the Lions
Sid the Science Kid
Associations/Groups I am a member of:
My local homeschool support group
My state homeschool support group
Homeschool Buyers Co-op
International Reading Association

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Thanks for all the great resources. I will definitely be using them.