The boys are still doing well with their reading and are progressing steadily through their Bob Books. Both boys enjoy reading them to their little sister, Cutie Pie, which makes me so proud and happy to see!
We also work on building words and playing games using magnetic letters.
Whenever possible I try to incorporate the phonetic spelling list that from, Mommy, Teach me to Read by Barbara Curtis. I say the word and the boys try to spell it out using magnetic letters.
Another great resource has been a series of file folder learning center games given to us by a friend who is also a first grade teacher. We are using them to work on consonant blends and digraphs. You can download several free games from Kelly’s Kindergarten.
My primary focus is to give them a strong foundation in phonics and to keep reading fun. I have not stopped reading aloud to them though. We cherish our read aloud time in this house.
Parents should always read to their children at a higher level than the child can read to themselves.
Additional FREE Reading Resources:
Jan Brett Dolch Word Flash cards
Jan Brett Phonograms
Jan Brett Alphabet Flashcards in 3 fonts