We continued our study on plants by learning about Seeds and Seed Dispersal.
As part of our study we read books, performed a few labs, watched an educational video (see below) and took a nature walk.
Books used in this study:
How a seed grows by Helene J. Jordan
A dandelions life by John Himmelman
From little acorns by Sam Godwin
How plants grow by Angela Royston
How a plant grows by Bobbie Kalman
From Seed to plant by Alan Fowler
One Bean by Anne Rockwell
A seed in need by Sam Godwin
The tiny seed by Eric Carle
(top 5 favorite books in bold)
Lesson Plan/Guides Used:
Plants: Super Science Activities by Ruth M. Young, M.S. Ed
– Is this a seed?
– Making Pictures with seeds
-Where do seeds come from?
-How do seeds grow
How Seeds get here…and there lesson plan
Seed dispersal by animals lesson plan
Here is the video on Seed Dispersal. It was particularly wonderful for us because there is a segment on Sea Beans which ties in to our upcoming beach study so the children could actually hold the sea beans and understand their weight. Of course my kids found the rhino segment to be particularly amusing, if a little bit disgusting.
Thank-you Barb-Harmony Art Mom for sharing the video link.