As a way to work on our addition skills we are playing Shut the Box regularly with the boys.
The game is simple. You roll the dice and then flip over the numerals it takes to equal that number. So if you roll a 9 you can flip over a 9, or 5 & 4, or 1,2, and 6 etc. If you have numerals remaining that are less than 6, you begin to roll only 1 die. The game ends when you can no longer flip any number combinations. Your score is the sum of all the numbers you flipped but we play either against the box (think solitaire) or see who has turned over the most tiles. We have 3 boxes from a great sale $3 each that was held over the summer, but you obviously only need one box.

I love board games! We do Family Game Night every Sat. night 🙂 So many great memories.