Bugscope is the just about the coolest thing to come down the educational pike for budding entomologists. You supply the insect, and the scientists at the University of Illinois will scan it through their electron microscope and stream the results for your class or homeschool group online!
I know I don’t have an electron microscope in my kitchen, do you?
Bugscope allows teachers everywhere to provide students with a free opportunity to become microscopists themselves—the kids propose experiments, explore insect specimens at high-magnification, and discuss what they see with our scientists—all from a regular web browser over a standard broadband internet connection!
How to sign up:
Sign up online, (tell your students to) find some bugs, and mail them to Bugscope. After they accept your application they will schedule your session, and prepare the bugs for insertion into the electron microscope. When your session time arrives, are the bug(s) are placed into the microscope and set it up for your classroom. Then you and your students login over the web and control the microscope. Scientists will be online to chat and answer any questions.
Please be aware that it can take up to 6 weeks to get a scheduled session. Be aware of that when applying.
Additional free educational resources are available here.