To continue this study we watched the documentary, Bees: Tales from the hive. Then I had the children narrate back to me what they had learned by watching the video. It was our first narration experience and I think the video was a good way to introduce narration to them.
We also watched, Silence of the Bees, available as a full episode on the PBS website and colored our bee picture from part 1 of our study.
Teachable facts:
-The average number of bees in a hive is 30,000-60,000.
-Bees produce approximately 2 pounds of honey per day.
-The 3 main parts of a bee are: head, thorax and abdomen.
-there are 3 types of bees in a colony: Queen, Worker and drones.
-Queen bees and worker bees are both female, but only the queen reproduces
-Drone bees are always male.
-The queen bees only job is to lay eggs
-The drone bees only job is to mate with the queen
-The worker bees do all the work, they build new cones, take care of larva, find pollen and clean.
Thankfully I’m allergic to bees, so we will not raise them or attempt to become backyard beekeepers.