Pumpkin got to work today on her cards & counters. I like that she is able to self-check her work. There are just enough counters for all the cards. When she realizes she has made a mistake it isn’t always easy for her to find which card she made the mistake on, but we’re working on that. For the most part she does well if she isn’t trying to rush to get to another activity.
We also took out her Pink Tower today. It has been awhile since we’ve used it and it is still a favorite with her.
Normally we would take out just one activity at a time. Today she started with the pink tower but then wanted a photo of it, so I put it back on the table after she did the card counters for this photo!
It is so easy to incorporate Montessori materials & philosophies into your homeschool. Some of our favorite resources for Montessori materials are:
Kid Advance
Montessori Outlet
Alison’s Montessori
Montessori for everyone (free downloads link)
Appleseed educational
Montessori Services