When I started blogging about our homeschool journey I wasn’t sure if anyone other than our own family would be interested. At times I will even admit that I even felt silly posting about our homeschool happenings, but I kept on. Encouraged by kind comments left behind and the constant encouragement from the great team at Heart of the Matter, where I am blessed to serve as Review Specialist.
This morning I woke to the news that we were nominated as Best Eclectic Homeschool Blog and I am not only beyond thrilled, I am in good company with other incredible nominees.
It feels good to have my blogging efforts acknowledged.
So often as a mother and a homeschooler I feel overlooked and under appreciated.
I know what I am doing is the best thing for my children and family, but it doesn’t always come with immediate awards or praise. Sometimes it comes with groans, whining, eye rolling and tears.
Still, I wouldn’t trade a single day of this journey, no matter how hard it can be at times.
I know that ultimately, the rewards outweigh the sacrifices. Every time. Without a doubt.
I know this.
But have I mentioned how good it feels to have this blog acknowledged?
Have I mentioned how much this news has brightened my day?
It has.
So thank-you to everyone who nominated us.
And a special advance thank-you to everyone who deems this blog vote worthy.
You do not have to be a homeschooler to vote. Anyone who reads blogs is welcome to vote, once.

Hi! I just found you because of a review you wrote on Child-Size Masterpieces. Congratulations on the blog nomination! I love what I see and your children are adorable.
I also homeschool and blog, and and and…. just like you. Can't wait to read more of your posts!
Blessings, Linda