Today we took a field trip to Green Cay Farm. It was a wonderful opportunity for the kids to see how vegetables are grown and pick a few of their own. We were able to pick carrots (most fun) and tomatoes (delicious) today.
It was interesting to see broccoli before it is picked! The part we eat is actually the flower.
Even Cutie Pie got to go on her first homeschool field trip.
Isn’t hands on learning the best?

hi – I'm a homeschooling mom. What a great field trip – we tried to plant tomatoes – 14 plants ended up with the worst spring flood and we only were able to save 4 tomatoes! You all looked to have much more success – and far less stress!! Great photos!
I'm always a fan of field trips!Looks like you had a great one! Think I need to go munch on some veggies…yum!:)
Hands on learning is the best! Looks like you all had a great time. Those veggies look SO good, can't wait for the Farmers markets to return around here. Haven't seen veggies like that in a while.