Thanks for visiting! To ensure you don't miss a post, please subscribe to my RSS feed . Thanks for visiting! has wonderful Geography resources including this fun drag and drop activity for teaching the continents. You can play it on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer using a mouse. Either way its a great way to help children practice their geography skills.
Students can also practice identifying states on a USA map using abbreviations (or without).
Also available on the site is:
13 Colonies
US States and Capitals Quiz
USA Electoral College Map
Identify USA States Game in USA map
Find states with out abbreviations
State Abbreviations
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt Quiz
Maya Quiz
Aztecs Quiz
Inca Quiz
Ancient Civilizations: China quiz
Branches Of Government quiz
War Presidents quiz
Olympics games quiz
Civil War Quiz
American Colonies quiz
Spanish Explorers
The U.S. Constitution quiz
US States and Capitals Matching Game
US States and Birds Matching Game
US States and Flowers Matching Game
Countries and Capitals Game
Presidents Sorting game
ABC word ordering games
word search games
abc order games
South America
South America Quiz
Largest States in Area in USA-Sorting Game
Largest Countries in Area (Top Ten)
Most populous States in USA-Sorting Game
Smallest States in Area in USA-Sorting Game
Longest Rivers in the World-Sorting Game
Largest Occeans in the World-Sorting Game

How have I never seen this!? So neat, sending email to teachers now! Thank you!