Our co-op is studying the continent (and country) of Australia this month. I love the enthusiasm that the other parent teachers bring to the class and I’m enjoying having an opportunity to take a break from teaching and just join in on the fun with my children.
Some of the hands-on projects we did for co-op included making a boomerang out of cardboard using some of the native symbolism.
The students also completed a mapping activity highlighting some of the land masses, animals, cities and popular sites we read about today.
At the end of our co-op today the children had a chance to taste a popular australian snack for kids, chocolate crackles. The co-op teachers were kind. I would have chosen grubs—we read they taste like shrimp!
We will continue our study as a family using more living books and exploring our 7 Continents website, created just for this co-op.

I love this idea. I've taught my kids the 7 continents, but not in a way like this…where you really delve into what makes each continent unique. We are learning about the continents with our history curriculum (Story of the World) in an indirect way. And I love the idea of doing it in a co-op setting. Our tiny co-op (4 families, 7 kids) is looking to add some geography time into our year next year. We may try to do a unit on continents.
Thanks for the ideas, and I love the website you made for the kids.
My blog site is
I have been teaching for 34 years. I currently teach in a private Christian school and if you ever need anything, please let me know.
I love your blog!
Great ideas, I bet the kids had a ball! The Weebly website is fantastic, great links!