I just realized I forgot to post our Earth Day studies! This year we focused on recycling. It was amazing for the parents in our group to realize that we were recycling improperly! I highly recommend obtaining info on recycling from your local recycling plant. You may be surprised at what you learn. Some recycling plants even host tours which is great. Ours does not provide tours for younger elementary students but they did give us a great video that we got to watch and keep!
The kids had a great time playing Recycling Bingo and then I used the bingo cards to do a Recycle sort game.
Online resources:
Book list
Recycling bingo cards
Recycling Bingo calling cards
Recycling book
Earth Patrol coloring book
Recycling pals coloring page
Lesson plans & worksheets
First Grade Lesson plan
aluminum can recycling worksheet
Sorting recyclables worksheet
recycling symbol coloring page
My recycling book
composting book