We are taking another school break to head to Orlando for the FPEA Homeschool convention. I’d like to call it my Teacher In Service week. My kids call it fun.
For the past two weeks mothers (including myself) have been frantically trying to have their children finish their workbooks! It is something that we all laugh about together at the homeschool convention. I suppose its human nature to want to see the end in sight and what better end than to know you have no more pages to teach in a workbook?
As year round homeschoolers, we won’t actually finish our school year until the middle of July. During the traditional summer months we generally spend our time focusing on electives and science projects. It is a more relaxed pace and feels less like school and more like summer camp.
Oh, and we’ll be trying to finish up our Singapore Math workbooks.

We'll be there too! My son will be handing out business cards for his bead bracelet business (JD's Beads http://www.jdsbeads.com) and will have bracelets there as well! We're looking forward to it!