Bible Study Guide for all ages (will be done with Daddy)
Little Contenders (will be done with Daddy)
20 Bible Verses every child should should know
Classic Bible stories
Language Arts
We did not end up using First Language Lessons last year (as planned) because we concentrated primarily on our reading skills. This year I do plan on using parts of the 1st grade/2nd grade lessons in addition to: Learning Language Arts through literature with Easy Grammar 2 as a back-up to both programs.
Handwriting without Tears Printing Power
Draw & Write Notebook (Handwriting without Tears)
Draw then write (Evan Moor)
Vocabulary & Spelling:
We will be using Wordly Wise again this year although the Wordly Wise 2 book looks quite different from what the boys used last year. I hope it isn’t a shock to them to be presented with a vocabulary book that is not in full color with illustrations. They really enjoyed the program last year, as did I. At every convention I attend I hear so many people raving about Wordly Wise and I’m now one of them.
I am so excited to use Spelling Power as our spelling program this year, although I had to watch the instructional DVD to figure out the Teacher’s Guide (the DVD made it easy to understand). It is similar in style to Sequential Spelling but begins earlier and this single book is all you need for your elementary to high school students. The program requires just 10 minutes of instruction a day (per student, no group lessons). We have been using Spelling Workout level A to use as an introduction to spelling before our formal lessons.
Reading & Comprehension:
We are continuing with the Explode the code series using books: 5 & 6 . This will be our last year using the series because the boys are starting to get tired of the format. Last year we finished with book 3 1/2 and I’m skipping them ahead to the workbooks more in line with their current reading level. I will supplement with activities from Phonics Pathways based on their individual needs as well as a variety of file folder games I’ve collected throughout the summer.
This year I am using, Teaching with Magic Treehouse Series (part of our co-op) to introduce the Magic Treehouse series to the boys and hopefully encourage them to continue reading independently through this series. For read-aloud time I’ve purchased two copies of each of the books that we will read in the series so that we can read together alternating pages and then they can continue reading on their own for “quiet time” each day (1-2:30P). This has worked well over the summer when we’ve been able to find multiple copies of the same book at the library.
It is no secret that science is my favorite subject to teach. I generally write my own curriculum because I love it so much. However this year I decided to purchase: R.E.A.L Science Odyssey: Life Science and A history of Science to use as our primary science curriculum because I was so impressed by them. We will continue our Florida nature studies using: Young Naturalist’s Guide to Florida. If you live in Florida you can join our studies virtually on the Young Florida Naturalists Guide website.
Our science co-op offerings this year includes: Lego Education: Simple Machines #2009686 and Science Explorations (written by me) which I’m very excited to teach, especially since I had to apply for a USDA license to be able to do so!
Social Studies
A child’s history of the world
Sonlight World Cultures (selected books not used last year)
The American Story 1 (Winter promise)
A child’s Geography of the World
Living Math through history Primary level Unit 1
Singapore Math 70 must know word problems
Singapore Math primary Mathematics 2A & 2B
Let’s meet famous artists
Child Sized masterpieces
Teaching Art with books kids love
In addition to the above resources & curriculum the boys will be enrolled in a local art program. They have had a good experience with this instructor over the past 3 summers and we are committed to giving them a full year of art instruction in this setting.
This year we hope to learn to play chess. I purchased Knights of the Square table: A knights first moves from Winter Promise and we are looking forward to learning how to play together.
Physical Education
The boys will be trying out for the local swim team this year. If they make the team they will be swimming 4 days a week. That is enough for us for PE this year!
Resources used for planning Learning Goals (Scope & Sequence) for 2nd Grade:
Typical Course of Study Grade 2 Curriculum Guide | World Book Inc
What your child needs to know when
Core Knowledge Sequence
Books to build on: A grade by grade resource for parents and teachers
To find out what everyone else is using or planning to use this year visit Heart of the Matter’s Not-back-to-school Blog hop.

You've made some great choices! It looks like a fun and productive year.
We are reading through A Child's History of the World (through our Sonlight core) and we really enjoy it…I am planning on doing Core 2 this year, while adding in some of the read-alouds from Core K (for my 1st grader and 3yo) ~ not sure how that will go 🙂
We started Bible Study Guide for All Ages yesterday…it looks great and my 3yo loves having his own page to work on!
Impressive list. I llloooove the Story of Science series. Thanks for sharing.
Great looking list. We, too, use Wordly Wise (we did for 1st, too). The 2nd grade books seems to be going over well for my guy. The only thing he's found tough is the passage/comprehension questions. I, too, find it a bit much at this point so we just do it together.
Hope you have a wonderful year!
We're excited about 2nd grade and the REAL Science Odyssey curriculum as well. I hope you all have a great year.
Looks like a great year – I'll be interested in hearing how it all goes! Especially that swim team 4 days a week!! We used Wordly Wise for the first time last year – we'll continue this year (we didn't finish it, as I introduced it halfway through the year). I've used Spelling Power for 3 years with the older 2 and we really like it. I'll be starting it with the youngest in January.
You have a fun year of learning ahead of you! Enjoy!
Seems like we have similar homeschool curriculum interests! I have not blogged for over 6 months, but plan to start up again soon. I am looking at much of this curriculum for my daughter in 2nd for next year. Did you like all of what you did? Anything you didn't like so far? Thanks for sharing!