Christmas Around the World with CurrClick has partnered with myself and nine other homeschool bloggers this week. Each of us will be hosting giveaways away during this special holiday event so be sure to check the schedule and stop by each site to learn about Christmas in other countries, enter the giveaways and maybe even make some new friends!
Christmas in Brazil
A common greeting heard in Brazil around Christmastime is Boas Festas (Good holidays) or Feliz Natal! (Happy Christmas)!
Religious significance/Celebration
Many Brazilians are Catholic, and as Christians they believe in upholding a tradition of helping the poor at Christmastime by giving white gifts at the Christmas Eve midnight mass. These gifts are often food items which can be used for a Christmas dinner. During the service, people walk forward and place their gifts wrapped in white paper in a straw-filled manger. Usually a light is shining on the manger to celebrate the light of Christ.
Presebres (manger scenes) are very common in Brazil. The word origins from the Hebrew word “presepium” which means the bed of straw upon which Jesus first slept in Bethlehem. Most households have them and children often make the figurines and move them forward each day to show the journey to Bethlehem.
Gift Giving
Another popular tradition involving gifts is called amigo secreto (secret friend) similar to “Secret Santa” in the United States. At the beginning of December, participants in the game write their name on a piece of paper. Each participant draws a paper with the name of the person they will correspond with throughout the month using apelidos (fake names) . On Christmas, family and friends gather to reveal their secret friends and offer them a special gift.
As is common with most South American countries, families generally gather together on Christmas Eve (at midnight) and sleep in on Christmas Day. Often the Christmas Eve Feast is laid out before they leave for midnight mass so that Mary, Joseph and Jesus may come and eat.
Children in Brazil wait for Papa Noel, the gift giver, to come in through an open window and place gifts in the children’s shoes, which they leave under the Christmas tree. Because Christmas falls during the Brazilian Summer Papa Noel wears silk clothing!
A highlight of Christmas celebrations in Brazil is making huge Christmas “trees” of electric lights. These “electric trees” can be seen against the night skies in major cities such as Brasilia, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro throughout the season. As is the custom in the United States, families also set up and decorate Christmas trees.
A highlight of Christmas celebrations in Brazil is making huge Christmas “trees” of electric lights. These “electric trees” can be seen against the night skies in major cities such as Brasilia, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro throughout the season. As is the custom in the United States, families also set up and decorate Christmas trees.
Currclick is sponsoring this giveaway and is offering 5 prizes to THREE winners. To enter the giveaway please specify which prize you are interested in (1, 2, or 3) and leave one comment about something you learned from this study or would like to add about this study (some fact you would like to share). Giveaway will be open until Sunday, December 12th, at 6pm (EST). If you don’t have a blog please be sure to leave some way to contact you in your comment.
Prize ONE

Let your child learn the true story of Christmas as they practice their writing skills. This file contains fourteen different copywork pages with verses from the KJV Bible and one with a verse from a hymn. Each page is illustrated with black and white drawings and comes with both primary and straight lines.
12 Days of Christmas, Copywork, Activity Book by St Aiden’s Homeschool
A comprehensive Unit Study of the 12 Days of Christmas (Includes the Biblical interpretation). This unit is suitable for preschool children to around Grade 3 as it includes activities that can be adapted for younger or older children. Some educator/parental guidance and discussion will make this fun unit study even more interesting as the various verses are discussed. The main focus is on Copywork, number practice and number/picture recognition and comprehension.

outh America has about six percent of the world’s population and covers approximately one-eighth of the land surface on earth. The people of South America represent a variety of backgrounds and cultures. The continent’s geography ranges from tropical rainforest to dry deserts to tall mountains. Join our discovery about the fascinating cultures and beautiful geography of South America. Lesson Plans Include: Espanol and Portugues, A Taste of South America, Where in the World is South America?, Celebrate Brazil, Exploring the Amazon, Holidays in South America

Take a virtual journey around the world to expand your children’s understanding of the world around them. Our focus is on drawing connections between the lives of your children and the lives of children on other continents. With over 68 activities and 36 hands-on exercises, your children will learn about physical geography and landforms as well as human and animal life on each continent. Each chapter includes multiple videos, hands-on activities, music, maps, readings, worksheets, charts, interactive websites, games, full-color high resolution graphics, and more to provide a multisensory approach to learning about life on our planet.
Our Global Village – Brazil by Milliken
Bring the world a little closer with these multicultural books. An excellent way for students to appreciate and learn cultural diversity in an exciting hands-on format. Each book explores the history, language, holidays, festivals, customs, legends, foods, creative arts, lifestyles, and games of the title country. A creative alternative to student research reports and a time-saver for teachers since the activities and resource material are contained in one book.

I love the idea of sleeping in on Christmas day!
I would like gift #3 if I win. Thanks!
I liked that to Brazilians, Christmas is about helping the poor.
I would like the study on
south America.
Malia Liermann
sleeping in at Christmas sounds SO nice. I also didn't know that "Secret Santa" seems to originate from thee.
Oops, forgot to state that I would like prize 3 if it's is available,
THanks for the information! I love learning the names different countries have for the holiday and how they give gifts. Please enter me in the drawing. I'm interested in #3
Love the sleeping in, too LOL! And I love the amigo secreto … we have the cousins draw names to give a gift at Christmas, but I might have to suggest the secret correspondence for the month leading up to it because that would be so fun for them, I think.
I'd love either #1 or #3 … thanks!
Thank you for the info on Brazilian Christmas traditions. I love the idea of the "white" Christmas where they wrap the presents in white paper to give to the poor.
I would love to win prize #3
Merry Christmas from Liz
Thanks for your post on Brazil:) Our pastor went to Brazil for 6 weeks and we did a small study for school on that country to coincide with it. What a fascinating country! They have such great traditions – my favorite one from Easter was their "carpets" they make. I thought it was interesting that Papa Noel wore silk and it's so much more practical to come through the window:)
If we were to win a prize, I would like #3.
Merry Christmas!
I love amigo secreto! Would be fun to start that!
Gift #3 swould be perfect for the South America continent box we make! 🙂
I tried publishing this a few minutes ago–I don't think it published, but I hope it doesn't publish twice! 🙂 We enjoyed reading about Brazil. My kids were intrigued by the idea of Santa (or Papa Noel) entering through a window.
I'm interested in the #3 giveaway because we are beginning a unit study on South America in January. (I homeschool five of my children). Thanks. Emily This email is the best way to contact me: gammonfam [at]
I found the 'Secret Santa' interesting because we do something similar in our family for the month of Christmas from Dec. 6th to Epiphany. Oh and I like that they have a focus on helping the poor with the giving of white gifts. Thank you for sharing about Brazil.
We would like gift #3 if we win. Thanks!
I liked reading about the electric trees! I would love to see those – I bet they are BEAUTIFUL!
I would take any of the gifts 🙂
I really liked the idea of havnig the children move the nativity to show the progress to Bethlehem-what a wonderful way to help the children become involved in the telling of the story!
If I win I would love Prize 3, my children love geography and this sounds perfect for them! Thank you for sharing!
Interested in prize 3 but any would be appreciated. I love hearing all about Brazil's tradition. I love the idea of sleeping in, my kids are up extra early on Christmas morning:)
I would like #3 as well, thank you for the interesting post 🙂
steffanie771 at hotmail dot com
We would like gift #3 if we win. It is wonderful that helping the poor – giving more than receiving – is the top priority there. THanks for the giveaway.
To leave the window open for "Santa" to come in and leave presents seems a bit unsafe, especially in a 3rd world country. I hope they don't leave the windows open while they're at midnight mass. And it seems like cold food (by the time you get home) wouldn't be very appetizing. LOL!nsec1707
I like the white boxes. Might do that with the kiddos so they don't forget the reason for the season. Prize 3 would be nice THANKS
Thanks for your article on Christmas in Brazil. We loved it! I would like #4 if I win. Thanks!
Papa Noel is their Santa, and they get gifts in their shoes.
I would like prize 3 if I win.
Thank you for sharing about Christmas in Brazil! It was fun to learn so many different things. I did not know anything about Christmas in Brazil so it was all new. I really like the white gifts and focus on those in need on Christmas, it seems much more appropriate than all the hustle and bustle of the season here. We do sleep in on Christmas day, we didn't know it was a custom in Brazil! It is nice. If our family wins, prize 3 would be perfect for our current studies! Thank you again for sharing.
I've not heard the word "presebre" in ages, it's the same word in Spanish. Thanks for sharing! (S. America Study if chosen).
Love your blog post and learning about Christmas in Brazil. Loved the idea of slepping in and the secreto amigo too. Great giveaway…think I may be too late to enter, but if I am not too late, like prize #3 the best.
Merry Christmas!
I blogged about this blog hop, too: